About us

The place where location and services meet

We help residents save time, save money, and organize their residential digital footprint so they can keep on roaming. We are building and redefining the future of living.
We eliminate time-consuming inefficiencies between individuals and their service providers that amount to avoidable stress. And, simplify the management of the digital bills and services in one or multiple physical places.

How we work

We start with security and privacy
As a company standard, a secure infrastructure is essential to every part of our process. To maintain privacy, we never ask for passwords and logins. We ask for residents' consent to only connect you with the services you choose. We consult legal experts before implementing any infrastructure, and get our sercurity frameworks audited on a regular basis to maintain the high standards.
We pride ourselves in reaching milestones
The team and the business have come a long way due to the support it has received. We are proud to have achieved significant milestones, from reaching our first 10,000 residents to ringing the NASDAQ bell at Times Square with the AWS Startups team. We also were selected to participate at prestigious programs such as The Liber Project hosted by the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford; Tech Nation's Libra program, AMEX's SPARK program, and others. We always are in the look out to enhance the skills of our team members and gain the knowledge we need to move forward.
We care about how we make an impact
We are aware that technology and AI have an environmental impact. Additionally, paper waste generated from incorrect addresses is a significant contributor to environmental pollution for logistic centers and residences. Therefore, we have aligned our practices with B Corp values to ensure that we are monitoring the impact we make and how we can reduce it with our solutions.
We understand that our business is dynamic, and we adapt and grow based on feedback. Soon, you'll be able to monitor and set reminders for services that you want to keep an eye on, providing a hassle-free view and management of everything associated with your residence.
We care about technological progress

Our Founder Story

Whether you are a sophisticated residential platform that wants to wow residents when they move in. A global mobility company looking to increase efficiency by automatingFrom Caracas to Aberdeen, then from Miami to New York, followed by Paris, London, Helsinki, and even Findlay, Ohio. All of these paths presented one very clear frustration: she didn't have visibility of all of the services associated with her nor to any property where she was residing. That's when Jessica pondered on one premise: how can responsible individuals maintain all of the services linked to them and manage them without having to do it one by one?

Too many times she had packages arrive at old addresses in a different city where she no longer lived, unexpected fees showed up just because she had forgotten to share her whereabouts, and she had important medical and tax paperwork sent to different places. She didn't understand how the existing system does not allow individuals to easily take responsibility and control over what belongs to them.

This fueled her desire to build Monadd. Ethically, reliably and empowering individuals to take action. address changes. Or an insurance and value provider looking to provide a service that renters need and prevents them from leaving their mail and packages at an old address. We delight thousands of residents, make yours get the value they need at home.

A company with guiding principles


We believe that trust is earned and can easily be lost. Our business is built from the bottom up with user trust in mind, particularly when it comes to the use and security of people's data. We value the security of our users above all other considerations and will always be transparent with users about how we are managing and protecting their personal information.

Data ethics

We are committed to managing the personal information of our users in a responsible and ethical manner, respecting the rights of those users and our responsibilities as managers of that information. We will always identify the benefit to the user of collecting, processing and storing their information as well as the benefit to ourselves. We recognise the people's rights to consent to the uses we make of the information we hold on them. Check out our Data Ethics Principles.

Diversity and inclusion

We value diverse opinions, views and experiences. We will always seek to draw upon the widest pool of talent in our recruitment. We proactively identify and breakdown barriers that may inhibit the take up of our services among disadvantaged and marginalised groups.

Autonomy and time

We believe that everyone should have the autonomy to decide where and when to move location and have the freedom to do so in the least time-consuming way. We utilise functional simplicity as a design principle for our services and keep our diverse users in mind, enabling people to enjoy their lives without anxiety.


We recognise that the environment is a precious and limited resource. We have aligned our business with Sustainable Development Goal 12 and are committed to ensuring that our services are conducted with a minimum impact upon the environment and that our service actively minimises our users’ impact on the environment. Learn more about our Impact to the Environment.

Societal impact

We believe that enabling mobility is an important element of tackling disadvantage. We understand the structural barriers to achieving greater mobility and contribute our insights to trusted initiatives to maximise our impact.